اطارات السيارات الكهربائية
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله بعد حلقة تجربة اطارات المخصصة للسيارات الكهربائية لكريم وصهيب هل يمكن استخدام هذه الاطارات علي السيارات العاديه بغرض تحقيق عزل ارضي وهدوء افضل بالنسبه لسيارات البنزين ام انه ستكون غير مناسبه او غير عملية وشكرا
إجابات ( 2 )
اعتقد انها مصممه للسيارات الكهربائيه فقط لان وزنها ثقيل و استخدامها في سياره عاديه اعتقد سوف يؤثر علي ثبات السياره
و غير كدا في شركات عملت اطارات اكثر هدوء
للعزل الارضي
Electric vehicle (EV) tires can indeed be used on regular gasoline-powered cars, and there are several reasons why they might be considered for achieving better ground insulation and quietness. However, there are also practical considerations to keep in mind.
EV tires can be used on gasoline cars and may offer benefits such as reduced noise and potentially better durability due to their robust construction. However, the cost and size of EV tires, along with the specific design considerations for supporting heavier vehicles, might make them an impractical choice for some drivers. Ultimately, whether EV tires are appropriate for a gasoline car will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the vehicle owner, as well as the compatibility of the tire sizes and specifications with their vehicle.